There’s never a bad time to schedule heating system repair. If you think that your heater is noisier than normal, smells funny, or guilty of using far more energy than it should, you need help. At Texas Same-Day, we’re keeping locals safe by sharing five times to call a heating contractor in Houston TX.

Don’t wait until you need emergency HVAC service to reach out. You should schedule a comprehensive, pre-season tune-up for your furnace in late fall or early winter. This gives us a chance to remove built-up debris from air intake valves, ignition switches, heat exchangers, and all other furnace components. Scheduling routine maintenance will keep you compliant with your heater manufacturer’s warranty. It will also help you avoid carbon monoxide leaks, electrical fires, and other hazards common among broken and ill-maintained heating equipment.
Schedule service if you smell natural gas near your unit. Although natural gas is odorless, gas suppliers use mercaptan to give it a distinctive rotten-egg smell. Fuel-burning furnaces with gas leaks are a serious threat to building residents. If they catch fire or explode, they can even cause damage to neighboring properties.
Contact us for service if your furnace is making loud banging, rattling, or ticking sounds. Although it’s fairly common for furnaces to get noisy as they age, loud, jarring sounds are often the sign of underlying issues. This is also true of foul-furnace odors. In addition to the rotten-egg smell of natural gas, beware of burnt or burning odors.
All modern furnaces require electricity, even if they burn gas for heat. Your furnace needs electricity to operate its electronic ignition switch. If your furnace keeps trigger the circuit breaker, give us a call. You should also contact Texas Same-Day if you see sparks or thin-whitish smoke coming from any of your heater’s electrical contacts.